RC10 is on its way to the beta channel... here's what's new in this version.
+ Added a new "watermark" feature. This should be supported on Android 5.0+. A watermark is a way to visually designate a PDF of your screenplay as having been created for a particular person. To use this, just go to the settings and under "General", select the "Watermark" option and type in some text. It should appear in a light grey diagonally across every page. Note this feature is only available to-- everyone-- subscribers or not. All the DubScript features are free :)
+ Major fixes to pagination for PDFs. Dialogue breaking is smarter... and more.
+ Now when you search, if you're on a hard keyboard, you can type ENTER/RETURN on the keyboard instead of having to press the "Find" or "Search" button.
+ Slight optimizations here and there. Minor bug fixes.
+ More compatibility stuff for Nougat 7.1
+ Built with the new "Jack" system using Java 1.8 instead of 1.7. This may not have much of a benefit to the final product, but then again, who knows?
+ New libraries and build tools. As improvements come from Google, DubScript incorporates them.
Be sure to read older messages to learn what's been added since the official release version (RC2): Please report any new issues discovered to The Forum. Thanks and enjoy!