My work is totally gone with the wind! I was writing on a script when the battery died for mee! My fault offcourse! BUT IS THERE ANY WAY TO RESTORE IT? PLEASE -4 HOUR IS WHAT IT COST MEE!!
Try the rescue feature...
As you write, DubScript should save a backup copy of your script. It does this every few hundred characters, when you enter/exit the app, and when you manually save. You can find these snapshot backups from the "Script Recovery" option in the Write area of the app, and can retreive your script from there.
Note that if you clear the app's memory or uninstall it, those backups go away. You can change the number of backups retained in DubScript's settings.
Hope this is helpful!
wont open .fdx on my note 8
Its april 2019 and my college students have the latest trial version of final draft
Crit killen
Need more info..
Are these .fdx screenplay files (as opposed to outlines or some other type of Final Draft file)? What steps are you taking to view the file? Are you trying to open it from an email? From Google Drive? Or is it on the device external storage? Do the files properly end in ".fdx" to indicate their type?
There are normally two ways to open a file-- #1 initiated from another app like Gmail, or #2 initiated from DubScript.
1. Opening from another app: Someone sends you a .fdx file, let's say via gmail. You'd open the file in the gmail app by tapping on it in the message. Or you could also download it to your device first and then tap on it in a File Manager type of app (there are different types of File browsers, it would need to be one that follows Android standards-- the built-in one with Android should work). If at that point you are prompted to grant access to storage, accept to allow access to the file. If it is a final draft (.fdx) file, it should now hopefully be visible in the Read area of the screen. Note: A Fountain file (as opposed to .fdx) would ask you to SAVE first, since you can edit this type of file and it needs to know where to save any changes. If you want to turn an .fdx to a Fountain file for editing, you should be able to do so via the "Save as Fountain" option in the Write menu. You also can convert back to .FDX, but that's another topic.
2. Opening directly from DubScript. This is the more common way to open a screenplay, especially one created within DubScript. If the .fdx file was shared with you via Google Drive or another cloud system, or if you've already transferred it it to your local device filesystem (external storage) via another method, you can directly access the file from the DubScript UI by clicking on the "Open File" icon, which looks like a little screenplay in the "READ" screen, usually at the top. At that point you can select it from Drive or another location (swipe the left-side drawer to choose the various locales where you might find it). This method should not require any additional grant of permissions.
So with all that said-- what issue are you having? Do you see some kind of error after you've tried to load the screenplay file? Is the file loading but mis-formatted? Does the app crash? Where (internal storage/sdcard/cloud storage/email/ftp/text message/etc.) is the source of the file you are loading? What version of Android and DubScript are you using? What is the workflow by which the students have sent you the file? Did they send it to you as a plaintext .fdx (as it would be saved by Final Draft?) or did they encode it in some way (zipped it or something else) before sending to you? The file needs to be a regular .fdx with nothing fancy done to it.